The new anime is titled Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode Oracle and will follow the original chapter 1-3 story from the game. This anime is due to air sometime in 2019.
View the trailer on the PSO2 Twitter
Now while I didn't mind the other anime (PSO2 The Animation) it wasn't something I'd go recommending to friends who aren't already into the game. As it was trying to cash-in on the tired trope of the isekai genre.
Hopefully the new anime will give old fans a nice digest of the story and inspire new fans to try out Phantasy Star games! Admittedly I didn't get to play much of Episode 2 & 3 before they removed those quests.
Currently a bunch of comedy animated shorts titled PSO2 Ni Comi are being broadcast on PSO2 youtube. They have been subtitled with english by user ZaureBlaise
The new anime is titled Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode Oracle and will follow the original chapter 1-3 story from the game. This anime is due to air sometime in 2019.
View the trailer on the PSO2 Twitter
Now while I didn't mind the other anime (PSO2 The Animation) it wasn't something I'd go recommending to friends who aren't already into the game. As it was trying to cash-in on the tired trope of the isekai genre.
Hopefully the new anime will give old fans a nice digest of the story and inspire new fans to try out Phantasy Star games! Admittedly I didn't get to play much of Episode 2 & 3 before they removed those quests.
Currently a bunch of comedy animated shorts titled PSO2 Ni Comi are being broadcast on PSO2 youtube. They have been subtitled with english by user ZaureBlaise
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