World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Cinematic

The new cinematic for World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor looks pretty sweet!

I've been sucked back into WoW on every expansion, with varying degress of addiction. It has been quite a while since I played seriously. I enjoyed the last expansion, Mists of Pandaria but I didn't stay on for endgame once I'd hit level 90. Mostly because many of my friends were no longer playing. So hopefully a few people will be back for this round of Warcraft!

I'm really looking forward to the overhaul for the Blood Elf models. Blizzard have been slowly releasing images of all the character races in the Artcraft Blog and they are looking pretty good. Hopefully the Blood Elves don't lose their "bishi" look just to appease a few boneheads who think all the Horde races should be ugly.
